+57 (318) 350 41 96


Truly Comfortable

Girdles, makeup, implants, Botox, among others, are tools that both women and men use to hide and cover up some imperfections that make us feel insecure.

There are people who do not feel good with themselves, they even feel sad for not achieving the beauty standards that the world demands and this make them be full of insecurities that sometimes lead to lack of self-esteem and feelings of guilt and contempt for themselves.

Sometimes, the worst and most acidic verdict is that you give yourself. The way you see and judge yourself because when you look in the mirror you only despise what you see and fill yourself with more insecurities to the point of locking yourself up and not wanting to leave your reality, but it is a reality that you created and that does not correspond to the real world.

That silent enemy of your perception becomes a war without quarter in which your forces weaken and you feel that you fight alone. Every day you must try to overcome the battle in front of the mirror, because no matter how much makeup you put on, or the things you take off or put on, or the surgeries you get, or what you buy or achieve, that will continue to be there, because it is only yours, it is you and only you who knows how to get past it. However, if you figure it out, it has its advantages, because you can use it to achieve whatever you want to achieve. It goes from being a situation of self-esteem to becoming a weapon of strength, of pride and encouragement, of push to get ahead and thus achieve everything you want to achieve.

Nobody likes to be told the truth, very few of us face it in a good way, there is even a generality and it is said, “truth hurts”. It hurts so much, that many times we prefer to lie before telling the truth or at least we hide that piece that we know is true to try not to harm the person who receives it and can feel bad.

At Velvet, although we cannot be the owners of those truths, and although we know that ‘some truths are uncomfortable’ we recognize that they belong to each person, they exist and many times, we do not share them, they are not spoken, they are silent, but deep inside we know that they are true and that they are there. One truth is, for example, that girdles ‘are uncomfortable’, that we use them as beauty accessories to feel or look better, but ‘they are uncomfortable’, that is true. That is why today we assume that truth to work on it, to give you a comfortable product every day and we are committed to working day by day so that our girdles are ‘truly comfortable’.